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Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee Members

The scientific session planning committee is responsible to develop challenging and exciting program content for the meeting by involving lectures across diverse disciplines to learn about Eye diseases and its various aspects. The meeting agenda will present the cutting-edge research work and opinions in an interactive way that could be expected only through EYE meetings.

Sayon Roy

Sayon Roy, Ph.D., FARVO

Professor of Medicine and Ophthalmology Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA

Alexander Ljubimov

Alexander Ljubimov, Ph.D., FARVO

Professor and Director, Eye Program Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

Arup Das

Arup Das, MD, Ph.D., FARVO

Professor and Chief, Opthalmology Division, Vice Chairman of Research Department of Surgery
University of New Mexico, NM

Julia Busik

Julia Busik, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Physiology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

speaker image

Takeshi Iwata, Ph.D.

Division Director, National Institute of Sensory Organs, Tokyo Medical Center NHO
Tokyo, Japan

Alan Stitt

Alan Stitt, Ph.D.

Professor & Dean of Innovation and Impact, Institute for Health Sciences Queen's University Belfast Northern Ireland, UK